Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting

Here at CYKP, Life Style is part of the the ethos of what and why we embarked on this journey. As part of the Life Style, one of the initiatives was to “bring like minded people together”, and to execute on part of this initiative we are using Wine.

Check out some detail CYKP Wine Tasting notes.

Here we have created a simple forum where you can share your wine tasting note: CYKP Wine Tasting sharing

We will encourage the use of the WSET SAT (Systematic Approach to Tasting), either using the Level 2 or Level 3 lexicons.

Tannin: The feeling of tannins in your mouth

  • Low: No sense or slight sense on tongue
  • Medium(-): Some sense on tongue
  • Medium: Tongue + cheek + teeth
  • Medium(+): Tongue + cheek , starting on gum
  • High: Tongue + cheek + teeth + gum

Finish: How long the main flavours stay in the mouth (palette)

  • Short: 1 – 2 seconds
  • Medium(-): 3-5 seconds
  • Medium: > 5 seconds
  • Medium(+): > 15 seconds
  • Long: > 20 seconds


The following is the recommended template you can “copy” into your wine tasting notes

DATE OPEN: <date>

LOCATION: <location>

PURCHASE: <shop, price>


  • Colour / Intensity: <colour>


  • Intensity: <Light / Medium(-) / Medium / Medium(+) / Pronounced>
  • Aroma Characteristics:
    • Primary: <aroma>
    • Secondary: <aroma>
    • Tertiary: <aroma>
  • Development: <Youthful / Developing>


  • Sweetness: <Dry / Off-Dry / Medium-Dry / Medium / Medium-Sweet / Sweet>
  • Acidity: <Low / Medium(-) / Medium / Medium(+) / High>
  • Tannin: <Low / Medium(-) / Medium / Medium(+) / High>
  • Alcohol: <Low / Medium / High>
  • Body: <Light/ Medium(-) / Medium / Medium(+) / Full>
  • Flavour Intensity: <Light/ Medium(-) / Medium / Medium(+) / Pronounced>
  • Flavour Characteristics: <aroma>
  • Finish: <Short / Medium(-) / Medium / Medium(+) / Long>


  • Quality: <Acceptable / Good / Very Good / Outstanding>
  • Readiness for drinking / Potential for aging: <Can drink now, but has potential for aging / Drink now; not suitable for ageing or further ageing)


<Additional Information>