Digital Transformation

Entrepreneurs and staff of Small Medium Enterprises (SME) need to be “jack of all trades”, there is just not enough budget to hire specialist for each role. This is where the embracing of Digital Transformation for an organisation is a “force multiplier”, using the right technologies to compliment you and your staff will save you in “wasting” time on mundane tasks that is not contributing to your businesses growth and bottom line.

Digital Transformation can be applied in all aspects of an organisation, either customer facing (such as using Chatbots to handle customer enquiries which releases your staff to do other tasks) to your own workforce (known as modern workplace). A modern workplace embraces Digital Transformation to assist and supplement your staff in their day-to-day tasks; these can be as simple as tools to quickly hold a “follow up” virtual meeting with one-click, collaborate on a single document together, automatic notification and monitoring of physical premises (such as a remote warehouse or storage facility).

At CYKP, we have implemented a number of technologies as part of our Digital Transformation journey (which is never ending as there is always aspects of a business that can be better); here are a list of “mundane” tasks and “aspects” that need to be performed but with the help of technology and Digital Transformation it has made running an SME easier (the “force multiplier”)

  • Website – Starting with the obvious, this website. Hosting your own website sounds like a very technical and specialist skill, and it is! You can host many different functionality on your website but to begin with you may just need a “static” page to show that you are open for business and provide some basic information. This first step you can do yourself, but using the appropriate technologies an tools that can be expanded upon in the future. At CYKP we host this website on Microsoft Azure using the WordPress App Service which I have detailed here in my Business Formation sharing. Since the topic here is on Digital Transformation, the reasoning why we have used these technologies is because (i) WordPress is easy to use and there an abundant of help online, (ii) WordPress has a large community so when you are ready to engage “specialist skills” to add in those fancy features there will be plenty of specialist you can hire, (iii) WordPress has many “plug-in”, so you do not need to “reinvent the wheel” such as creating a “contact us” page, “multilingual” website etc, (iv) Microsoft WordPress App Service is a fully PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) where you “spin up” a Microsoft WordPress App Service it will handle the creation and management of the various components (hardware and software) so that you can be focused on what matters, the design and content of your website (v) Microsoft WordPress App Service also provides additional features such as SSL certificates without the need to apply and manage your own SSL certificates (vi) The Microsoft WordPress App Service can growth with the growth of your business, with a few simple clicks you can increase the capacity of your website without all the technical complications
  • Broadband and Wifi
  • Teleconferencing
  • Local Servers and File Sharing
  • Surveillance and Security
  • Remote Physical Access and Monitoring